L-R: Brewer, Director, HR
As the owner/brewer/delivery driver/sales
rep and barman at Van Dieman Brewing, I can proudly say that Van Dieman Brewing
is 100% independently family owned and operated.
Every beer we produce is made from 100%
grain malt (85% from Tassie), 100% Tassie grown hops, 100% Tassie water and
that we are proud of our rural roots in the Northern Midlands of Tasmania.
We do not try and hide who we are or what
we do.
We make our beers how we want to, not how
we’re told to by some suit on level 37.
If anything we are far too transparent with
how we operate and how we craft our beers daily. I’d far prefer to let all our
happy drinking friends know what we’re up to, how things are going, what we’ve
got in the pipeline and where we’re heading.
As a small producer in the Australian Craft
Beer industry, we live in a highly competitive market that is going through
unprecedented growth nationally, but also a conflict of identity.
Craft breweries, whilst technically all
competitors in an open market, have an affinity with each other that make our
industry without doubt one of the most enjoyable and amicable professions on
the planet. Most operate on passion, hard work and producing amazing craft
Its when faux “craft” breweries like Byron Bay Brewing Company and Steamrail Brewing Company pop their head up, the identity of Australian craft beer really gets confusing.
If it’s hard for the industry to gets their head around, tough luck for Joe
Average the consumer, standing in front of the fridge making the purchasing decision.
I wont repeat either article
(please read them for yourself and make your own conclusions) but suffice to
say they are eroding the all the hard work, passion and endeavor that small
craft brewers like us toil away at day in, day out.
Its becoming clear that the “big
boys” are muscling in on us smaller peeps. Bring it on I say, because there’s
only so long you can hide behind misleading packaging, seriously weird
marketing campaigns and so called “independent craft breweries”.
Eventually quality will rise to the top.
Eventually quality will rise to the top.
Next time your buying a Australian
craft beer, make sure its not faux craft.
This is NOT craft beer